Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Coldest Start to Winter I Can Remember

This winter is off to a blustery start. I am always amazed at how quickly the Gulf of Mexico can change temperatures from almost 90 to 65 degrees.  I can remember many beach days in December and warm Halloween nights trick or treating in Sarasota. Not so with this year. I would expect all our friends from the North to want to visit and stay a while this year. 

If tanning on the beach in 5o degree weather is not to your liking, there are several things to consider doing in Sarasota in cooler climates. One of my favorite winter and spring traditions in Sarasota is the Season of Sculpture.  If you were wondering about the large statue near Marina Jack's you can learn more here: http://www.sarasotaseasonofsculpture.org.

Enjoy this magical time of year in Sarasota and don't forget to take advantage of all our great seasonal attractions.