Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Palmer Ranch Statistics

Well, there's always good news and bad news- and they usually come together. The GREAT news that as a whole, the MLS pended sales for last month were 430, a level equal to last January when the market was totally different. That is a great sign of the vibrance of our market. While we are seeing the same level of buyer activity, listings are taking a great deal of time to sell with over 4 times the inventory of last year!

Here are some more comparative stats, and the essence remains the same: While sale prices are up, so are listings. Total sales are down for the year despite recent signs of a healthy resurgence.

These stats are comparative for 1/1 to 4/31 for 2005 vs 2006.

Palmer Ranch Single Family Homes

Total Number of Listings Taken: 2005: 175 2006: 327 Up 87%
Total Number of Sales: 2005: 138 2006: 81 Down 41%
Median Sales Price: 2005: $416,750 2006: $499,900 Up 20%

Palmer Ranch Condominiums

Total Number of Listings Taken: 2005: 146 2006: 259 Up 77% (flippers beware)
Total Number of Sales: 2005:100 2006: 62 Down 38%
Median Sales Price: 2005: $272,775 2006: $282,500 Up 2%