Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Palmer Ranch Market- First Quarter '05 vs. '06

Here are the Palmer Ranch statistics as a comparison point between the first quarters of 2005 and 2006:

Residential Single Family Homes

Total Listings Taken : 2005- 143, 2006- 257 Up 80%
Total Number of Sales: 2005- 100, 2006-62 Down 38%
Mediam Sales Price: 2005- $415,250 2006- $502,500 Up 21%


Total Listings Taken: 2005- 96, 2006- 205 Up 114%
Total Number of Sales: 2005- 71, 2006- 42 Down 41%
Median Sales Price: 2005- $275,550, 2006 $282,500 Up 3%

Summary: Its a great time to be a buyer as we continue to see inventory accumulate. Its an unbelievable sitaution for buyers as sellers are seriously looking at all offers. In the condo sector, opportunity abounds as modest appreciation rates and improved condos are reselling for a modest investment return.