Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why I Love Being a REALTOR Part 1

Being a real estate agent in this market is an interesting job to say the least. We all have our theories regarding who is to blame for the mortgage meltdown and the subprime scandals that have been so widely publicized. We are all in some ways hurt by the changes in the market, and these changes have affected REALTORs across the country in a variety of ways. From loss of income, to dealing with short sales and foreclosures, and to taking losses on personal investments, all agents have met their fair share of adversity. I understand this very well and first hand, but can I say to all the negative talkers around the water cooler- "enough already!"  

There has not been a better time to be a real estate agent since 2005. Buyer interest for well priced properties is intense- oftentimes resulting in multiple offers, interest rates are low making money cheap and FHA is revolutionizing the home lending business, and banks have never been more willing to negotiate to sell properties before foreclosure even though these sales are very difficult.  Realistic sellers are telling me that the market is nowhere near as challenging as they thought it would be and buyers cannot believe the values that they are getting on homes.  My personal practice has never been busier!

I am thankful to have a job with flexible yet demanding hours, a great brokerage to work with, and especially to meet all the unique people that I get to serve on a daily basis as they interact with today's market environment. In short, I love being a REALTOR. If you are interested in dealing with someone who is young, energetic, and excited about this market and this business, then you need to give me a call at 941-993-3739 for great service without the grumbling.